The reply to all your parking needs
in a few seconds…
How it works ?
In just a few clicks, join MyFlexiPark and access for free the first Belgian parking sharing community.
With MyFlexiPark, YOU CAN
for parking
Select the car park nearest to your destination in advance
a parking
Make your car park more profitable by making a driver happy
your reservations
Select the car park nearest to your destination in advance
Our parking management solutions and services for professionals
MyflexiPark offers a modular and innovative parking management system for companies and communities.
Thanks to our smart parking management technology,
- you secure your car parks to guarantee your activity
- you automatically administer your parking facilities to remove tedious and repetitive tasks
- you optimize dynamically the parking spaces allocation to your employees according to objective sharing criteria
- you optimize the profitability of your real estate investment
- you guarantee your customers, your visitors and / or your employees easy and quick access to the car park (camera ANPR recognizing the plate numbers...)
Depending on your needs, our parking management system can be fully installed in your IT infrastructure or hosted on our own one (SAAS).