How to get from Brussels Midi station to Brussels Airport?
How to get from Brussels South railway station to Brussels Airport?
You are leaving for Brussels Airport from Brussels Midi station? You do not want to take any public transport and prefer to drive to Zaventem? But which road to take to the airport? MyflexiPark explains the best way to get to Brussels Airport to catch your plane.
How to get from Brussels Midi station to Brussels Airport in Zaventem?
Departing from Brussels Midi (Avenue Fonsny, 47B in 1060 Saint-Gilles) to arrive at “Brussels Airport”, you need about 30 minutes drive if traffic is smooth. So plan you time accordingly. Especially if you are traveling during peak hours, your trip could well drag on to an hour or even more.
Departing from the train station, you must first reach the Boulevard du Midi and enter the tunnels. You then will pass through the Porte de Hal tunnel, then the Louise tunnel and finally exit after the Porte de Namur tunnel. Once out of these tunnels, continue to Trône and turn right into rue Belliard. At the end of this street, take the tunnel again (Tunnel Belliard) and head for the Cortenbergh/N23/N3 tunnel. After 500 m take the exit Leuven/Louvain/E40 to reach the motorway. Once on the E40, keep on following the ‘Luchthaven Zaventem’ signs to get to Brussels Airport.
How to find a parking space in Zaventem?
Unfortunately, once a journey is complete, you will need to find a parking space for your vehicle. However, all motorists agree that parking spaces near the Brussels Airport are quite expensive. But how to find a space to park your car without braking the bank? With the help of MyflexiPark! Our offer of parkings near Brussels Airport allows you to book your parking space in advance. Upon arrival you can park your car before heading for the terminal. Our private and secure parkings ensure you peace of mind throughout your stay. The places available are both for long term and short term parking.
As in the city as on the outskirts, MyflexiPark offers you indoor parking, secured parking, underground parking, covered parking ... for your comfort, to allow any motorist to park his/her car near to their destination. We have retained parking locations all over the city.
Thanks to MyflexiPark, finding a parking place in Zaventem was never so easy! Discover now our rates for parking your car at Brussels Airport in Zaventem.